T: 01202 802807

T: 01202 802807

Probate Fee Hike: There’s Still Time!

Probate Fee Hike: There’s Still Time!

New guidance from HM Courts and Tribunals Service has been issued today, confirming that the probate fee increase will not be introduced on 1st April 2019.

The new fees will not be implemented until 21 days after the fees order is made. This order is subject to an approval motion in the House of Commons, which has not yet been scheduled.

We therefore anticipate that the new probate fees system will be introduced no earlier than towards the end of April 2019.

If you or someone you know are dealing with a large estate and are concerned about probate fee increases or need help dealing with the estate, contact us for advice.

If you would like to make an appointment with one of our expert Private Client solicitors, Alexandra Livesey or Paul Solomons, please call us on 01202 802807.

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