Things to Think About Before Your Appointment With a Will Solicitor
When some people make an appointment to make a Will or to review their existing Will, they like to come prepared. Others may not want to think things through in advance and will await the initial meeting.
Whether you want to prepare for your Will appointment or not, the Will and estate planning team at Solomons Solicitors can assist you with making your Will or can advise you on reviewing an existing Will.
Contact our team today to find out how we can help you.
Although you may think you know what you want to put in your Will, it is best to come to your appointment with your Will solicitor with an open mind. That is because legal advice from a specialist Will solicitor may make you realise that some of your assets will not pass by your Will or that there are ways to pass on your estate to your loved ones that are inheritance tax efficient.
Your Will solicitor will need information about:
- Your assets – the lawyer will want to know if bank accounts or property are owned by you or jointly. If a property is owned as joint tenants, the house will not pass under your Will but will be inherited by the surviving owner. Many married couples own their properties as joint tenants. If you do not know how you own your joint property, a Will solicitor can check this out by carrying out an online search with the Land Registry. If you want your share in a jointly owned house to pass by your Will, then this is possible by converting the way you own your joint property by completing a form.
- The value of your estate – an exact value is unnecessary, but a rough idea is helpful as it will inform your solicitor about whether you would benefit from estate planning advice about ways your estate could reduce any inheritance tax liability.
- Your family – having information about your family circumstances helps your solicitor advise you on the provisions in your Will. For example, if you have young children, you may want to appoint a testamentary guardian in your Will. If your child is a vulnerable young adult or if you have elderly parents, you may want to leave their legacies in a Will trust for them. Having information about your family will also help your Solicitor understand if there is anyone who might have a potential claim against your estate. For example, a former spouse who receives spousal maintenance payments from you.
You may have clear views about who you want to leave your estate to or who you want to appoint as the executors and trustees in your Will. A specialist Will solicitor will respect your wishes but also offer guidance. For example, a discretionary trust in your Will may better achieve your objectives, or giving a life interest in your estate to your spouse may reduce your concerns that your husband or wife may not leave the money they inherit from you to your children when they pass away.
Solomons Solicitors can help you with all your Will and estate planning needs, making sure you understand your options and you have the legal paperwork you need to provide peace of mind.
For a free initial consultation, call us today on 01202 802 807 or use our online contact form.