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Writing your Will and peace of mind

Writing your Will and peace of mind

Who would have thought that writing a Will could bring a sense of peace? That may be overstating the case but Will solicitors are told that when a Will is signed it brings a tremendous sense of relief and comfort knowing that you have protected your loved ones or remembered the charities that are important to you. At Solomons Solicitors, our team can help you write your Will and advise you on all your estate planning needs.

Contact our team today to find out how we can help you. 

Getting down to writing your Will

Getting down to thinking about what to put in your Will can be incredibly hard, especially when events intervene, such as Christmas or the summer holidays. That’s why the new year can be a good time to knuckle down, scratch the itch that won't go away, and make an appointment to see a specialist Will solicitor.

Some people put off making an appointment to make a Will because they think a meeting about their demise will be a bit depressing. Will solicitors say that it isn’t because once you start the process of estate planning and writing your Will it can be very liberating and takes a weight off your mind.

Unsure of what to put in your Will?

If you are not entirely sure about what should go in your Will then you should still arrange to see a Will solicitor. They can help explain your options in light of your family or financial circumstances. For example, if you have children from a first marriage you may be unsure about whether to leave your family home to your children or your second spouse. Setting up a discretionary trust in your Will or creating a life interest are just two options to create a fair outcome for your partner and your children.

Specialist Will solicitors say doing nothing is not the solution if you are unsure about what to put in your Will. That’s because any existing Will may be out of date and not leave your estate to the family members who warrant  benefiting from your estate.

If you do not have an earlier Will and die intestate there is an increased risk that your estate will pay more in inheritance tax because you did not estate plan and that a claim will be made by relatives saying that the intestacy rules do not make reasonable financial provision for them. A well-drafted and flexible Will can meet your needs and priorities and reduce the risk of estate disputes and claims being made against your estate.

Tips on Will writing

Our Will solicitors’ tips on Will writing include:

  1. Make an appointment to see a Will solicitor even if you are not completely certain about what you want to put in your Will. This can be an advantage as if you do not have set views you can explore how your Will can minimise inheritance tax liabilities or reduce the risk of your Will being contested or a claim being made against your estate.
  2. Talk to a specialist Will solicitor as although you may be tempted to look at a DIY Will, an expert can guide you on how to appoint testamentary guardians for your children in your Will or how to reduce the IHT payable by your estate or how to leave your estate to your family or loved ones without the Will being challenged.
  3. Make your Will future-proof as your circumstances may change. For example, rather than specifically naming your young children as beneficiaries in your Will it is best to refer to your beneficiaries as your children so you do not need to change your Will if you have another child. Or, if you want to leave your estate to your spouse, say in your Will who will inherit your estate if your spouse predeceases you. By making your Will future proof you may not need to rewrite your Will if your circumstances change.

Will solicitors can make the Will writing experience straightforward so you and your family are left with peace of mind, knowing your family or loved ones are protected.

Speak to our Bournemouth-based Will Solicitors today

Solomons Solicitors can help with Will, lasting power of attorney, and estate planning support so that you understand your options and you have the legal paperwork you need to provide peace of mind.

For a free initial consultation, call us today on 01202 802 807 or use our online contact form.

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